Clicking on your user avatar at the top of the Vito homepage (or bottom-left corner of any hub) will open up a menu. Click on User settings to get started. You can:
Upload a custom avatar (a square image works best)
Set your timezone to show all session times in your locale
Choose the display mode (light or dark mode)
Edit your username
Set or edit your display name
Optionally add a pronunciation guide for your name
Set your pronouns
Set a one line title for what you do
Add a longer bio, displayed on your profile page
Privacy settings
In the next tab (or under the drop-down menu) you'll find your Privacy settings. By default, all participants are hidden upon joining a hub unless you choose to set yourself to visible.
While hidden, you will not appear in the participants list or be able to post to the discussion feed. Any posts you've already shared will be hidden.
If you wish to post, you can set yourself to visible instead. You will be included in the participants list and any previous posts will be shown in the feed.
Notification settings
The next tab along allows you customize your notification settings.
By default, we will notify you in-hub of any mentions by other hub participants, announcements from the organizer, or if someone faves your post. If there is an unread notification, the bell icon will turn purple and a red indicator dot will appear:
Clicking this icon will take you to your notifications:
If you are not currently in the hub, Vito will also send you an email notification (for mentions and announcements only). You can manage this in the Notification settings section.
Other settings
You can click on the Membership tab to leave the hub (this action is not available if you are a collaborator or owner of the hub.
Click on the Badges tab to manage whether or not display your moderator badge in the hub.
Questions? Search our documentation, email or chat to us in-app.