Support is available via email at and via the Intercom messenger bubble in the bottom-right of the app. We aim to respond the same business day, usually within a few hours. Our working hours are 9AM - 5PM UTC.
π‘ Tip: it's a good idea to enable support access on your account ahead of time if you need us to take a look at one of your hubs.
If you have a question
For instant answers, check our Help Centre where we have lots of responses to commonly asked questions, instructions for how to use Vito, as well as helpful screenshots, GIFs and videos.
If your question isn't answered in our documentation, please contact us via email or in-app messenger and provide as much information as you can about what you're trying to do or find out, and what you've already tried, if applicable. This will help us figure out the answer more quickly (see the image on the left for a not-so-good query vs the image on the right for a much clearer query).
If you've spotted a bug
We appreciate you letting us know so that we can look into it. Please contact us via email or in-app messenger and let us know:
What happened
What you had expected to happen
What browser and device you're using (this tool can help you check)
Any supporting information (for instance the URL you were on when you witnessed the bug, a screenshot of what you saw, what else you've tried, etc.)
If you have a suggestion
We're always interested in hearing from customers. Please feel free to contact us via email or in-app messenger and let us know what's on your mind.
Questions? Search our documentation, email or chat to us in-app.